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EU’s legal response to the current fiscal crisis

den 12 april 2012, kl. 12:00

The current fiscal crisis in the EU, particularly in Greece was an accident waiting to happen since the launching of the economic and monetary union (EMU) and euro in 1999. This crisis had developed and spread across the euro zone to the extent that it has threatened even the very survival of the single currency project of the EU.

The aim of this seminar is to highlight some of the essential features of the proposed fiscal compact inter-governmental treaty signed by all Member States of the EU except the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic to supplement the EMU. It is also proposed to examine the extent to which the proposed fiscal treaty which is to be adopted outside the framework of EU law could contribute to restore fiscal stability within the monetary union.

Talare: Mohamed Sideek Seyad

Plats: Faculty room, 8th floor, C-house, 12.00-13.30

Detta seminarium ägde rum den den 12 april 2012